Preventing RFC1918 Traffic from Exiting a WAN Interface

RFC1918 addresses are blocks of network IP addresses reserved for private use that are commonly used behind firewalls to allow a single public IP address to be shared with multiple devices using NAT. The default pfSense® installation assigns the address space to the LAN interface, but RFC1918 also defines other CIDR ranges for private use:




As a general rule, it is good practice to prevent network traffic intended for RFC1918 subnets from leaving the firewall via the WAN interface. This avoids unnecessary traffic on the WAN link, and also provides a small security benefit by keeping information about the LAN network behind the firewall.

An example where this rule might be helpful is if a machine on the local LAN (e.g. is configured to access private LAN addresses that are routed across a VPN tunnel (e.g. If the VPN link were to go down, pfSense software would no longer have an active route for, and a packet intended for will be routed out the WAN interface using the default route. This could potentially provide information about the private LAN to someone with access to the ISP’s WAN network. A malicious user could even set up an imposter machine on the WAN network with a address and pretend to be a machine on the inactive VPN link.

While the chance of this being a problem is small, the probability of unintentional RFC1918 traffic routing through the WAN interface will increase for installations with more complex LAN topologies, a large number of users (typos, etc), or routes that may frequently change (VPN, etc). In these scenarios, it may be beneficial to add a firewall rule preventing RFC1918 traffic from being routed out of the WAN interface.

Scenarios where RFC1918 addresses should NOT be blocked on the WAN interface

In its default configuration, pfSense software is not configured to block RFC1918 addresses from being routed from the LAN subnet to the outside WAN, because there are two common scenarios where blocking this traffic is not desirable:

  • ISP assigns a RFC1918 address to end users - Some ISPs assign private network addresses to their customers and perform their own NAT for customer traffic to the public internet. Verify this by looking at the WAN interface IP address on the pfSense dashboard. If the assigned address is from one of the private IP ranges listed above, RFC1918 traffic should NOT be blocked.

  • pfSense is “chained” behind another device like a consumer firewall or wifi router (double NAT) - In this case, pfSense performs NAT for devices connected to the pfSense LAN, and the WAN interface forwards traffic to the upstream device, where it undergoes a second NAT before entering the public internet. This is verified using the same steps as above - if the WAN IP address is from the RFC1918 range, do NOT block this traffic from exiting the WAN

This is an example of an RFC1918 address assigned to the pfSense WAN:



If either of these scenarios apply to the pfSense installation, do NOT add additional RFC1918 traffic blocking to the WAN interface as this may block LAN users from accessing the WAN.

Steps to block RFC1918 traffic from leaving the WAN interface

For installations where the above scenarios do not apply, an additional firewall rule can be put in place to prevent RFC1918 traffic from leaking out of the WAN interface. This provides a small increase in security and privacy by preventing information about the local LAN from being routed further upstream to the ISP.

To add a block rule for RFC1918 traffic, navigate to Firewall > Aliases:

  • Create an alias for the RFC1918 network ranges. Call it private_networks and include the following ranges:




    • (optionally include other non-public CIDR ranges like and

  • Add a new floating firewall rule under Firewall > Rules, Floating tab

    • Action - Reject

    • Quick - Checked

    • Interface - WAN (optionally select multiple WAN interfaces or interface groups here, do NOT select the local LAN)

    • Direction - out

    • TCP/IP version - IPv4

    • Protocol - any

    • Source - any

    • Destination - Single host or alias: private_networks

    • Log - optional

  • Save the changes and reload the firewall. Verify that local LAN and internet connectivity are still working.


Adding this rule to the pfSense firewall will block access to bridge devices like cable modems or upstream routers outside of the WAN interface. For example, many cable modems use an IP address of This may or may not be desirable behavior for users. The RFC1918 firewall rule needs to be disabled if access from inside the LAN to a device like this is required.

On the edit interfaces screen (Interfaces > WAN, for example) there is an option to Block private networks. This is a rule blocking inbound traffic, not outbound like the rule described here. As long as the pfSense instance is not behind a WAN that uses private addressing, both rules are desirable and should be enabled.