Assign Interfaces

In pfSense® software, the Interface Assignments screen at Interfaces > (assign) lists the current system interfaces such as WAN and LAN, and a drop-down box next to each with a list of all available network interfaces on the system (real and virtual).

Reassign an Interface

Interfaces may be reassigned as follows:

  • Locate the row that contains the interface to reassign

  • Choose the new underlying interface from the Network Port drop-down list

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

Assign a new Interface

New interface assignment varies slightly depending on the firmware version in use.


  • Click fa-plus at the bottom of the screen

  • Locate the newly interface row at the bottom of the list. It is named OPTx where x is one number higher than any existing OPT interface (or OPT1 if there are no others)

  • Choose the appropriate Network Port from the drop-down menu in that row

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

2.2 and Later

On 2.2 and later the assignment process changed slightly to make it less likely to interfere with other ports and connectivity.

There is an Available network ports control at the bottom of the interface list that is used to add interfaces like so:

  • Choose the appropriate Network Port next to Available network ports

  • Click fa-plus at the end of that row

  • Note the Interface name assigned. It is named OPTx where x is one number higher than any existing OPT interface (or OPT1 if there are no others)

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

Delete an Interface

To delete an interface, click fa-trash at the end of its row.

The WAN interface is the only interface that cannot be deleted.

Other Tabs

The other tabs on this screen lead to places were other interface types may be created for assignment, such as:

Reassignment During Configuration Restore

When restoring an existing configuration file, this screen will be presented if the interfaces in the config.xml do not match the interfaces found on the current firewall.

When only physical interfaces have been used, reassignment is simple. Pick the appropriate interfaces from the Network Port drop-down lists, then click Save and Apply Changes.

When VLANs or other virtual interfaces are present, they must be corrected first before saving and proceeding from this screen. In this case it is often much easier to carefully hand edit the previous config.xml and find/change the interface names by hand.