Using EAP and PEAP with FreeRADIUS

General EAP configuration

The default EAP settings will work in most situations (EAP-MD5, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-PEAP) so there is no need to change them without any need. If EAP-TTLS or EAP-PEAP is used with VLAN assignment then set Use Tunneled Reply to yes:

To make the use of certificates more secure, check the Common Name of the client certificate against the username entered in FreeRADIUS > Users. For this set Check Client Certificate CN to yes:

Another option to increase security with certificates is to check the issuer of the client certificate against the CA certificate. This can be enabled with Check Cert Issuer but then it is necessary to enter country, state, province and organization - case sensitive - to match the CA.

FreeRADIUS by default allows many EAP types for authentication. In some environments only some strong EAP types (TLS, TTLS, PEAP, MSCHAPv2) may be allowed or weak types (MD5, GTC, LEAP) may be disallowed. Disable the weak EAP types in FreeRADIUS using Disable weak EAP types so that FreeRADIUS rejects users which try to authenticate using such a weak method. If these types are disabled it does not affect the inner tunnel session in EAP-TTLS and EAP-PEAP. Further it is no problem to use a weak or cleatext method in the inner tunnel because if the outer tunnel uses one of the above call strong encryption types.

FreeRADIUS is multitalented. It can handle almost all authentication types hosts send. So if weak encryption types such as MD5 and others are not disabled then the following will happen:

a client wants to authenticate using MD5 => freeradius will do that
a client wants to authenticate using LEAP => freeradius will do that
a client wants to authenticate with TLS or TTLS or PEAP or MSCHAPv2 or ... => freeradius will do that

So disable weak encryption is checked then this disables MD5, GTC and LEAP. This will happen:

a client wants to authenticate using MD5 -> freeradius will not do that because that was disabled
a client wants to authenticate using LEAP -> freeradius will not do that because that was disabled
a client wants to authenticate with TLS or TTLS or PEAP or MSCHAPv2 or... -> freeradius will do that.


  • FreeRADIUS package configuration:

    • Configure an interface in FreeRADIUS > Interfaces

    • Create a CA-Certificate and a Server-Certificate. Choose pfSense® Cert-Manager or FreeRADIUS Cert-Manager but never use the default certificates which come with FreeRADIUS after package installation!

    • Select the certificates in FreeRADIUS > EAP. If FreeRADIUS as Cert-Manager is selected then nothing needs changed. If pfSense Cert-Manager was chosen, then it must be enabled there and the certs must be chosen from the pulldown menu. Click Save.

    • Add the WLAN-AccessPoint in FreeRADIUS > NAS/Clients

    • Add a username/password in FreeRADIUS > Users

  • WLAN Access-Point Configuration:

    • Change the wireless encryption to WPA-Enterprise or better WPA2-Enterprise with TKIP or better AES/CCMP

    • Do not use a passphrase but select RADIUS or 802.1X. Enter the IP-Address of the pfSense FreeRADIUS-Server and the shared secret according to that what was entered in FreeRADIUS > NAS/Clients

  • WLAN Device (Supplicant) Configuration:

    • Some devices can autoconfigure the Authentication- and Encryption-Method. If not choose PEAP as encryption and MS-CHAPv2 as Authentication. 1

    • Connect to WLAN AccessPoint and the client will be prompted for username and password

    • Some devices auto-accept the CA-Certificate as valid. Often this CA-Certificate will first need to be accepted. This is the certificate created on pfSense.

The most part of the “command line action” which is done in these tutorials can be done from FreeRADIUS GUI.

  • A very good how-to with screenshots in german language can be found here.


  • pfSense configuration:

    • Create a CA, a Server-Certificate and a Client-Certificate. Using System > Cert Manager is recommended.

  • FreeRADIUS configuration:

    • Create an interface, add a NAS/Client and create a user. For this example, use myuser as username and mypass as password.

    • The EAP default options are working - read FreeRADIUS package.

    • Using pfSense Cert-Manager and selecting the CA and the server certificate is recommended.

    • Leave the password field empty

    • Download the CA.crt - not the key - from System > Cert Manager, CAs tab and Client .p12 from System > Cert Manager, Certificates tab

  • Client Requires password on .p12

    • If your client will not load the .p12 without a password on it, and space does not work you can add a password with openssl

    • Just download user cert and key vs the p12 and with the ca cert use the following command

    • openssl pkcs12 -export -certfile ca.crt -in user.crt -inkey user.key -out user.p12