States SummaryΒΆ
The States Summary page found at Diagnostics > States Summary reads the current state table and presents a summarized view with information collected in several different ways:
By Source IP
Useful for seeing if a given source IP has an abnormally high number of states, and a summary of where they go by protocol.
By Destination IP
Useful for seeing if a given destination IP has an abnormally high number of states, and a summary of where they go by protocol.
Total Per IP
Useful for seeing if a given IP has an abnormally high number of states in both directions, and a summary of where they go by protocol.
By IP Pair
Useful for seeing if a given source IP and destination IP has an abnormally high number of states between them, and a summary by protocol.
This page may not render properly with large state tables. It requires a lot of processing, so larger state tables may take too long to display, or may run out of memory building the report.