Upgrading from versions older than pfSense 2.2

See also

For information about upgrading to current versions, see pfSense Upgrade Guide.


Uninstalling all packages is required when upgrading from old releases. Packages must be removed before the upgrade is performed. After the upgrade is complete, packages can be reinstalled. Package configuration is automatically retained.


  • On pfSense® software versions 2.2 and 2.3, limiters cannot be used on firewall rules residing on interfaces where NAT applies. This limits their use to LAN-type interfaces only, and not WANs, in most circumstances. This has been fixed on pfSense 2.4. Bug #4326

  • On pfSense software versions 2.2 and 2.3, limiters cannot be used where pfsync is enabled. This has been fixed on pfSense 2.4.3. Bug #4310

IPsec Changes

The IPsec daemon was changed from racoon to strongSwan. Existing configurations work the same as always, but if any unusual configurations are present, take care in testing after the upgrade. Changes in behavior because of this change may trigger bugs in remote endpoints that weren’t previously an issue. Configurations that were always technically incorrect may exhibit problems now where they didn’t previously. We have listed the circumstances we are aware of here, and will expand upon this list if anything new is found.

Problem in racoon with aggressive mode and NAT-D

Those using racoon (pfSense 2.1.x and earlier, among a variety of other similar products) on remote endpoints with aggressive mode may encounter a bug in racoon related to NAT-D and aggressive mode. Any site to site IPsec VPNs using aggressive mode with racoon as a remote endpoint should change to main mode to prevent this from being an issue. Main mode is always preferable for its stronger security.

glxsb Crypto Accelerator Warning

For those using the glxsb crypto accelerator in the ALIX and other devices with Geode CPUs, only AES 128 bit is supported by those cards. Any key length > 128 bit has never worked, and must not be configured. There appear to be circumstances where AES on “auto” with racoon preferred 128 bit where strongswan prefers the strongest-available and is choosing 256 bit, which glxsb breaks. Input validation in 2.2.1 prevents such invalid configurations when adding configurations or making changes, however existing configurations are not changed. If using glxsb and AES, ensure both phase 1 and phase 2 configurations all use AES 128 only and never auto.

Mobile client users, verify Local Network

For mobile IPsec clients, clients could pass traffic in certain circumstances without having specified the necessary matching local network in the mobile phase 2 configuration. The “Local Network” specified in mobile IPsec phase 2 must include all networks mobile clients need to reach. If mobile IPsec clients need to access the Internet via IPsec, the mobile phase 2 must specify as the local network.

Stricter Phase 1 Identifier Validation

In 2.1.x and earlier versions, racoon could accept mismatched phase 1 identifiers where using IP Address as the identifier. This is most commonly a problem where one of the endpoints is behind NAT and phase 1 is using My IP Address and Peer IP Address for identifiers. On the side with the private IP WAN, My IP Address will be its private WAN IP address. On the opposite end, Peer IP Address will be the public IP address of the opposite side. Hence, these two values do not match, and should have resulted in a connection failure. racoon would fall back to checking the source IP address of the initiating host as an identifier, where it found the match. To resolve this issue, change the phase 1 identifiers so they actually match.

Phase 2 behavior change with incorrect network addresses

In 2.1.x and earlier versions a phase 2 configuration with an incorrect network address would still be presented by racoon with the corrected network address. e.g. if is set in a phase 2, which should be, racoon used it as In 2.2.x and newer versions, strongswan sends it exactly as configured. This may result in a phase 2 mismatch where configured with an incorrect network address.

Disk Driver Changes

The disk drivers in FreeBSD changed between the underlying OS versions and now the CAM-based ATA drivers and AHCI are used by default. As such, ATA disks are labeled as /dev/adaX rather than /dev/adX. The ada driver for ATA disks and GEOM keeps legacy aliases in place so that old disk references will still work post-upgrade. This does not always extend to virtualized disk drivers, however (see the Xen note below.). The upgrade process on pfSense 2.3 and 2.4 also attempts to automatically correct for this change.

A manual workaround is also possible. Running /usr/local/sbin/ufslabels.sh before the upgrade will convert /etc/fstab to UFS labels rather than disk device names bypassing any device name issues that could arise due to the switch.

There is a chance that the new driver stack will have issues with certain controller/disk combinations that were not present in prior releases. There may be BIOS changes or other workarounds to help. See Boot Troubleshooting.

The methods used to disable DMA and write caching have both changed on FreeBSD 10.x. For most, disabling these manually is no longer necessary.

If disabling DMA is necessary, the following may be used in /boot/loader.conf.local:


Change X to be the ATA controller ID, typically 0 or 1.

If write caching must be disabled, the following may be used in /boot/loader.conf.local:


Xen Users

The FreeBSD base used by pfSense 2.2 and later includes PVHVM drivers for Xen in the kernel. This can cause Xen to automatically change the disk and network device names during an upgrade to pfSense 2.2 or later, which the Hypervisor should not do but does anyway.

The disk change can be worked around by running /usr/local/sbin/ufslabels.sh before the upgrade to convert /etc/fstab to UFS labels rather than disk device names.

The NIC device change issue has no workaround. Manual reassignment is required.

vmxnet3 (VMware/ESX) users

Users who manually installed VMware Tools to use vmxnet3 network adapters may encounter an issue with interface name changes when upgrading to pfSense 2.2 or later, similar to those with Xen mentioned above. In pfSense 2.1.x the vmxnet3 interfaces were named starting with vmx3f and on pfSense 2.2.x they are vmx using the built-in support. Manually reassigning the interfaces or correcting them in config.xml followed by a restore is required.

Old/Broken GEOM Mirrors

If a manual gmirror configuration was performed post-install and not using the pfSense installer gmirror option before install, there is a chance that the mirror will not function on pfSense 2.2 or later because the manual post-install method did not create a proper mirror setup. If an upgraded mirror does not boot or function on pfSense 2.2 or later, use the following entry to work around the integrity check that would otherwise fail.

Add the following line to /boot/loader.conf.local:


If the disks are configured in this way, we strongly recommend backing up the configuration and reinstalling, using one of the mirrored disk options in the pfSense installer.

CARP Changes

Due to the new CARP subsystem, the old method of having a virtual interface for CARP VIPs is no longer available. CARP VIPs work more like IP Alias style VIPs, existing directly on the main interface. For most, the changes made to accommodate this new system will be transparent, but there are some potential issues, such as:

  • With no separate interface available, monitoring a CARP VIP status via SNMP is no longer possible.

FTP Proxy

The FTP proxy is not included in pfSense 2.2-RELEASE or later, due to changes in the kernel and state table handling that made it it more difficult to implement. Use of FTP is strongly discouraged as credentials are transmitted insecurely in plain text. #4210

See FTP without a Proxy for additional information and workarounds.

Another option is the recently added FTP Client Proxy package which leverages in FreeBSD to allow clients on local interfaces to reach remote FTP servers with active FTP.

LAGG LACP Behavior Change

LAGG using LACP in FreeBSD 10.0 and newer defaults to “strict mode”, which means the lagg does not come up unless the attached switch is speaking LACP. This will cause a LAGG to not function after upgrade if the switch is not using active mode LACP.

To retain the lagg behavior in pfSense 2.1.5 and earlier versions, add a new system tunable under System > Advanced, System Tunables tab for the following:


With value set to 0.

This can be added before upgrading to 2.2 to ensure the same behavior on first boot after the upgrade. It will result in a harmless cosmetic error in the logs on 2.1.5 since the value does not exist in that version.

If a firewall has more than one LAGG interface configured, enter a tunable for each instance since that is a per-interface option. For lagg1, add the following:


Also with the value set to 0.

Intel 10Gbit/s ixgbe/ix users with Unsupported SFP modules

The sysctl to allow unsupported SFP modules changed in FreeBSD between the versions used for pfSense 2.1.x and 2.2.

The old tunable was:


This must be changed to:


Edit the setting in /boot/loader.conf.local before applying the update and the behavior will be retained.

Layer 7

Layer 7 is deprecated and has been removed. For layer 7 application identification and filtering we recommend using the Snort IDS/IPS package with OpenAppID detectors and rules.

Microsoft Load Balancing / Open Mesh Traffic

Windows Network Load Balancing and Open Mesh access points can use multicast MAC address destinations which rely on broken behavior that was incorrectly allowed by default in earlier versions of FreeBSD and pfSense. The fact it worked before was technically a bug, acting in violation of RFC 1812.

A router MUST not believe any ARP reply that claims that the Link Layer address of another host or router is a broadcast or multicast address.

The default behavior on pfSense 2.2 is correct, but it may be changed.

If this behavior be required, manually add a tunable as follows:

  • Navigate to System > Advanced, System Tunables tab

  • Click fa-plus

  • Enter the following values:

    • Tunable: net.link.ether.inet.allow_multicast

    • Description: Optional. It would be wise to enter the URL to this note or a similar note.

    • Value: 1

  • Click Save