Upgrading from versions older than pfSense® 2.0

See also

For information about upgrading to current versions, see pfSense Upgrade Guide.


Uninstalling all packages is required when upgrading from old releases. Packages must be removed before the upgrade is performed. After the upgrade is complete, packages can be reinstalled. Package configuration is automatically retained.

Note for users of the OpenVPN Status Package

If a manual management directive was entered into the Advanced Configuration of an OpenVPN client or server, it must be removed. The OpenVPN status code is built into pfSense® software version 2.x and later, and it is handled internally. The management directive must be removed or the status of the VPN instance will not be properly reported.

Note for Captive Portal RADIUS WISPr Bandwidth Users

The WISPr RADIUS attributes were incorrectly applied to all versions prior to pfSense 2.0-RELEASE. They were applied as Kbps where WISPr is supposed to be bps, hence those using WISPr attributes will have one one-thousandth of the previous bandwidth unless the RADIUS server is corrected. The RADIUS server will need to have these values updated to bps for proper functionality once the firewall has been upgraded to pfSense 2.0-RELEASE or later.

International/Special Characters in 1.2.x Configurations

International characters, such as åäö and so on, were not supported on pfSense 1.2.x, but were allowed in some places due to overly lenient input validation and less strict XML parsing. These characters causes invalid XML when they are stored directly, and as such if pfSense 1.2.x did not crash and toss out the configuration with such characters, it will not upgrade to any current version of pfSense software.

pfSense software version 2.0 and later will reset and toss out the config.xml on every reboot if it contains these characters bare, leaving the firewall at an “assign interfaces” prompt since it does not have a valid configuration.

The config.xml file can be run through an XML parser such as xmllint and the parser will show where problems exist, if any. Fix the errors, and then the corrected configuration can be used for an upgrade. The good news is that these characters are handled properly in most areas of the current pfSense GUI, and they are CDATA escaped so they are safe from such errors.

Upgrading High Availability Deployments

When upgrading from pfSense 1.2.3 to 2.0 or later, Check the CARP VIPs to make sure they are actually on the proper interface. That is, that the interface chosen for the VIP properly matches the subnet in which the CARP VIP resides, and that the subnet mask is proper. pfSense 2.0 validates this more strictly than previous releases, and as a consequence if a CARP VIP was misconfigured on pfSense 1.2.3, it may not upgrade cleanly.