Using the pfSense PHP Shell

Using the PHP pfSense® shell allows configuration of the config.xml file directly without needing to use the webGUI. Using this system can also allow rapid deployment of pfSense software and/or the setup of exotic configurations.

The following will show an example session, with the text coming from the “help” command in the PHP shell.

Follow each line or group of lines to run with “exec;”:

*** Welcome to pfSense 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 (amd64) on rose ***

 WAN (wan)       -> vmx0       -> v4/DHCP4:
                                  v6/DHCP6: 2001:db8::ffff:22d6/128
 LAN (lan)       -> vmx1       -> v4:
                                  v6/t6: 2001:db8:1:eee0:20c:29ff:fe45:260/60

 0) Logout (SSH only)                  9) pfTop
 1) Assign Interfaces                 10) Filter Logs
 2) Set interface(s) IP address       11) Restart webConfigurator
 3) Reset webConfigurator password    12) PHP shell + pfSense tools
 4) Reset to factory defaults         13) Update from console
 5) Reboot system                     14) Disable Secure Shell (sshd)
 6) Halt system                       15) Restore recent configuration
 7) Ping host                         16) Restart PHP-FPM
 8) Shell

Enter an option: 12

Starting the pfSense developer shell....

Welcome to the pfSense developer shell

Type "help" to show common usage scenarios.

Available playback commands:
     changepassword disablecarp disabledhcpd disablereferercheck enableallowallwan enablecarp
     enablesshd externalconfiglocator generateguicert gitsync installpkg listpkg removepkgconfig
     removeshaper restartdhcpd restartipsec svc uninstallpkg

pfSense shell: help

     Enter a series of commands and then execute the set with "exec".

     For example:
     echo "foo"; // php command
     echo "foo2"; // php command
     ! echo "heh" # shell command

     Example commands:

     record <recordingfilename>

     parse_config(true);  # reloads the $config array

     $temp = print_r($config, true);

     /* to output a configuration array */

     /* to output the interfaces configuration portion of config.xml */

     /* to output the dhcp server configuration */

     /* to exit the  developer shell */

     /* to output supported wireless modes for an interface */

     /* to enable SSH */
     $config['system']['enablesshd'] = true;

     /* change OPTX to the OPT interface name such as BACKHAUL */
     $config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['standard'] = "11a";
     $config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['mode'] = "hostap";
     $config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['channel'] = "6";

     /* to enable dhcp server for an optx interface */
     $config['dhcpd']['optx']['enable'] = true;
     $config['dhcpd']['optx']['range']['from'] = "";
     $config['dhcpd']['optx']['range']['to'] = "";

     /* to disable the firewall filter */
     $config['system']['disablefilter'] = true;

     /* to enable an interface and configure it as a DHCP client */
     $config['interfaces']['optx']['disabled'] = false;
     $config['interfaces']['optx']['ipaddr'] = "dhcp";

     /* to enable an interface and set a static IPv4 address */
     $config['interfaces']['wan']['enable'] = true;
     $config['interfaces']['wan']['ipaddr'] = "";
     $config['interfaces']['wan']['subnet'] = "24";

     /* to save out the new configuration (config.xml) */

     /* to reboot the system after saving */

Recording and Playback

For example check out this sessions which automates a number of commands. After typing those sets of commands in 5+ times it gets old quick. Record and playback to the rescue.

Recording a session

# /usr/local/sbin/pfSsh.php

Starting the pfSense developer shell....

Welcome to the pfSense developer shell

Type "help" to show common usage scenarios.

Available playback commands:
     changepassword disablecarp disabledhcpd disablereferercheck enableallowallwan enablecarp
     enablesshd externalconfiglocator generateguicert gitsync installpkg listpkg removepkgconfig
     removeshaper restartdhcpd restartipsec svc uninstallpkg

pfSense shell: record resetrrd
Recording of resetrrd started.
pfSense shell: require_once("");
pfSense shell: require("");
pfSense shell: require_once("");
pfSense shell: ! rm /var/db/rrd/*.rrd
pfSense shell: enable_rrd_graphing();
pfSense shell: setup_gateways_monitor();
pfSense shell: stoprecording
Recording stopped.
pfSense shell: exit

Playing back a session

# /usr/local/sbin/pfSsh.php
Starting the pfSense developer shell....

Welcome to the pfSense developer shell

Type "help" to show common usage scenarios.

Available playback commands:
     changepassword disablecarp disabledhcpd disablereferercheck enableallowallwan enablecarp
     enablesshd externalconfiglocator generateguicert gitsync installpkg listpkg removepkgconfig
     removeshaper resetrrd restartdhcpd restartipsec svc uninstallpkg

pfSense shell: playback resetrrd

Playback of file resetrrd started.

pfSense shell: exit

Sessions can be played back directly from the command line as well:

# pfSsh.php playback resetrrd